Software Engineer Consultant - Backend/fullstack, Java/AWS
Looking for the freedom of freelancing with the security of a full-time job? At Coody, we offer the best of both worlds—high pay, full benefits, and the flexibility to work remotely on cutting-edge projects.
On average, joining Coody means increasing your salary by 44%. How do we do it?
The math is simple. We pay our consultants more by cutting unnecessary costs — no overpaid bosses, no luxurious conferences, and no fancy offices. Instead, we invest in what matters: you.
Coody is all about giving you as an individual the chance to have a free and flexible life to live for your own priorities - Gravity Free Consulting.
Gravity Free Consulting @ Coody Means:
Maximized Compensation: Typically a 44% salary increase.
Safety & Comfort: Employment with a generous benefits package.
Freedom & Flexibility: No bosses. All digital. Fully remote for those who prefer.
Shaping the Future: Assignments with industry innovators like Mojang, Spotify, Hemnet, Tobii, Volumental, Paradox, Volvo Cars, Varjo, and exciting startups and scale-ups.
Coody is a growing and dynamic group of people who are the tech stars of the future. We consist of about 13 different nationalities and work on assignments for digital game changers across Sweden, Finland, USA and the UK, in industries such as EV, Gaming, AI, MedTech, AR and FinTech.
We’re more than a company — we’re a community platform. Our approach is built on trust and autonomy. We cut through bureaucracy to focus on what matters—our consultants. Explore our employee handbook for more insight into a genuine supportive, consultant-first environment.
As a Software Engineering Consultant at Coody, you’ll work on exciting, technically demanding assignments with companies to help build robust, scalable applications in cloud environments—with a specific focus on Java and AWS. Your role will involve:
Designing and developing scalable, cloud-based solutions using Java and AWS.
- Collaborating on product strategy, engineering best practices, and fostering a strong team spirit while out on assignments.
- Tackling new challenges with an adaptable, solutions-oriented mindset.
- Typically working on 6 - 24 months on each assignment, allowing you to contribute to industries you’re passionate about.
5+ years of experience working as a Software Engineer.
- Deep expertise in Java and AWS (Amazon Web Services), with experience building scalable, cloud-native applications.
- Fluency in English (verbal and written).
- Proven ability to work in agile environments and deliver high-impact results.
- A doer’s mindset and a track record of successfully completing projects.
- Understanding of DevOps practices and tools, such as CI/CD, Docker, or Kubernetes, to streamline cloud deployments.
- Familiarity with other programming languages like Kotlin, Python, React or TypeScript is a bonus.
- A degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or a related field.
Excited to take your career to the next level? Apply now, and we'll be in touch!